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發表於 2022-1-29 22:40:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式



China Telecom announced the official co妹妹ercial use of 5g message: personal receiving is free, sending is consistent with the current SMS, and will provide standard packages to individual users;


Bank of China: from February 1, the annual fee of personal debit card (including the annual fee owed in previous years) and small account management fee will be cancelled;


Zizhong County, Sichuan Province: from January 25 to May 31, the highest award will be 14000 yuan / set for those who buy houses in line with the national two child and three child fertility policy;


Xi'an new regulations on housing rental award and subsidy funds: the maximum award and subsidy for enterprises subject to the supervision of housing rental funds is 1 million yuan per year;


BYD: the highest reward for reporting corruption is 10 million. Last year, 94 illegal employees were investigated and dealt with, and 22 were transferred to public security; Tencent: last year, nearly 70 people involved in corruption were dismissed, and more than 10 people were transferred to public security for suspected crimes;


On the evening of the 25th, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in the sea area of Yilan County, Taiwan. The earthquake was felt in Taipei. At present, there are no reports of casualties;


360 employees were stabbed by outsiders with knives. Chengdu police: the suspect had a loan dispute with the "360 debit note" platform;


A car in Shiyan, Hubei, flew out of control of the road in snowy days. There was snow on the road at the time of the accident. Yunyang traffic police: the accident caused two deaths and two injuries;


Meta, the parent company of Facebook, released a new artificial intelligence supercomputer, which serves the meta universe, or will become the fastest in the world; NVIDIA plans to give up its $40 billion acquisition of arm because老人保健食品, it has made little progress in obtaining approval;


. South Korean Defense Ministry: North Korea launched two suspected cruise missile launchers from the inland area of the Korean Peninsula on the morning of the 25th; Late on the 24th, two gangs in Indonesia clashed in a nightclub and triggered a fire, killing 19 people;


Burkina Faso's military announced the seizure of power: l股癬怎麼治療,ifting the presidency, dissolving the government, closing the border and imposing a curfew. Local overseas Chinese: the capital is quiet and there has been no beating, smashing, looting and burning;


Lithuania will send its largest delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympics,減肥貼, including 13 athletes;


An F-35 fighter plane of the US Pacific Fleet crashed on the deck when the aircraft carrier landed. The pilot ejected and escaped, injuring seven people. The incident area is located in the South China Sea;


Large scale protests broke out in the Ukrainian capital on the 25th. Demonstrators asked the government to implement tax cuts and tried to impact the parliament.消除痛風石方法, There was chaos on the scene;


Lithuania: it will transfer stinger air defense missiles to Ukraine, which has been approved by the United States; EU: if diplomatic efforts fail, it will retaliate against Russia's attack on Ukraine; US Department of Defense: 8500 US troops are on high alert and may be deployed to Eastern Europe at any time; The southern military region of Russia has carried out combat readiness inspection, involving more than 6000 soldiers. The troops and weapons of the eastern military region will go to Belarus one after another;


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